Căutați inspirație?
Vă ajutăm să găsiți locul perfect. Destinatii ideale pentru o vacanta de weekend sau luna de miere.
ROMANIA has many tourist attractions waiting to be discovered.
In such a vast country, one may try to see as much as possible in the few days available.
Our aim is to assist you in planning your trip and to provide all the travel related services that you might need.
Everyone wants to travel the world but with so many places to visit where do you start?
Take a look at our Top 5 Places To Visit.
Asociatia Nationala a Statiunilor Balneare si Balneoclimatice din Romania avand drept scop aplicarea Directivei UE nr. 24/2011 a Parlamentului European si a Consiliului European, prin care se urmareste crearea unei filiere turistice balneare si balneoclimatice, a unor centre pilot.
Slănic-Moldova Jud. Bacău
+4 0234 348119
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